Chargement Évènements

Depuis le début de la guerre massive, une de nos priorités est de contribuer à créer des liens entre les organisations féministes en Ukraine et en Belgique. C’est aussi un des axes prioritaires de notre campagne de soutien financier


Nous vous invitons à prendre part aux réunions en ligne organisées par nos partenaires de l’Atelier féministe de Lviv. La réunion du 27 mars aura lieu en anglais. Elle portera sur la défense des droits sociaux en Ukraine et au Royaume-Uni dans une perspective féministe.

This session will centre our conversation on fostering solidarity concerning labour rights within the contexts of Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Our aim is to delve into the significance of advocating for fair treatment and empowerment of workers amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Also, we’ll examine and contrast the challenges and triumphs encountered in advocating for workers’ rights in the UK.
Register to join us for our Ukrainian Feminist Kitchen#7 online event on March 27 at 20.00 EET (Kyiv time)/ 19.00 CET/ 18:00 GMT!
Make sure to check the time according to your timezone: Time of the Event (
Our guest speakers: Vicky Blake, an activist in the University and College Union at Leeds University, UCU branch’s Honorary Secretary and member of the committee of the Abortion Rights campaign (UK), Julie Ward, an activist and member of the national USC committee, and former Labour Party Member of the European Parliament (UK), and Oksana Dutchak, researcher, Marxist feminist, co-editor of the online journal Spilne/Commons (Ukraine).

Moderating the discussion will be Marija Jakovljević, feminist activist from Serbia, SCI alumna, exploring intersection of peacebuilding and solidarity economy.
Two integral parts of UFK events are both discussions and collective drawing sessions.
During the discussion we welcome all participants to join the creative activity we have prepared – we’re going to draw willow seals as the Ukrainian traditional symbols of spring and make vytynanka (the pattern, cut out of paper with scissors).

Guiding us through this creative endeavor will be the talented Ukrainian artist and poet, Viktoriia Cherniakhivska.
To delve deeper into the “Ukrainian Feminist Kitchen” project, you can watch recordings of previous meetings:
Register to participate: